Episode 03 - Philip Cox-Hynd: Defining Your Purpose
Defining Your Purpose
At Talent Smart, one of our objectives when interviewing potential candidates for roles is to uncover their motivation to move jobs. After all, it can be a very stressful experience and not a decision to be taken lightly. The answer to this question can often reflect the individual’s personal view of where they perceive they are in life at that moment. Loss of purpose or feeling of disconnect with their employer is often at the core of why we make major changes in our life (such as changing jobs or careers). We are delighted that Philip Cox-Hynd has agreed to chat further with us to explore improving our mental wellbeing in all aspects of our life. In this episode we explore “Purpose” and uncover why it is of fundamental importance to our wellbeing and gives us the route to setting our goals and the feeling of achievement and success When speaking to employers over the last number of years, together with countless surveys, the indications are that a greater number of workers each year are feeling as though their employer’s purpose and goals do not align with their own personal values. This disconnect will only increase until employers and employees start to have more open and honest dialogue.