Episode 12 - Sabrina Menasria - The Power of Singularity

We are delighted to welcome Sabrina Menasria, change agent and founder of Singularity. 

Having worked at executive level to drive change in organisations like Chanel and L’Oréal; In 2020, Sabrina coined the word « singulars » to define neurodiversity and people with over excitabilities (intellectual, emotional, creative, sensitive and motor) and those who are "twice exceptional", with differ-abilities and super powers. 

In this episode, we explore what it means to be Singular in terms of neurodiversity and how divergent thinking misunderstood and/or misrepresented in the majority of workplaces.


Episode 13 - Jason Nash - How AI can be Leveraged for Diversity and Inclusion 


Episode 11 - Mark Brincat Group CTO, Intive – The Opportunities that Ai and ChatGPT Present to the World