Season 2 - Episode 02 – Josh Knox (“Knox”) – Architect Specialist with ReversingLabs - "Knox" - How to take control of your career journey

Joshua Knox is Cybersecurity Technologist specialising in Kubernetes and Kubernetes security. Prior to this role Knox was a Principal Engineer focusing on automation and application development

Before transitioning to the IT industry, Knox was a High School teacher. For many years he taught python and javascript to his students. Once switching his career he has quickly moved through many roles, gathering certifications for Cloud, Kubernetes, and Security along the way.

When he is not working with his team, you can find him working on his home lab, building a new machine, studying for his next cert, or hacking CTF boxes.

To give everyone some context, we quickly chart through Knox’s career. He was a youth pastor, then a teacher and then decided to go for a career in technology. He explains more about his journey.

We also covered one of the areas of concern for future employers, that the young/entry workforce/GenZ…etc are not resilient and give up too easily. Knox had some amazing insights and gave a some great advice to young employees and potential employers. This included why you should train like an athlete for your chosen career and his funnel mindset to learning.

Finally, we discussed Knox’s theory on Circular Learning’ and he offered some top tips on how to take control of your career journey?


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