Episode 20 - David Callow - How to foster harmony between the technology and business departments within an enterprise

I was delighted to welcome David Callow to the Talent Smart podcast for this latest episode. Dave has been in technology for over 25 years and has been a senior leader for over 10 years. He is the Chief Information Officer for NHS Professionals who look after 60 NHS trusts and work with over 180,000 healthcare professionals to provide a flexible work force to support the NHS. 

 During this podcast we explore why is it so important that technology departments are working in harmony with the rest of the organisation. Dave shared his approach to bridging the gap between the technology and business departments within an enterprise, including the best ways to ensure effective communication between technology and business stakeholders to align goals and priorities?

 We also explored the most common barriers to collaboration between technology and business departments and how you can measure the effectiveness of output between departments. 


Episode 21 - Alexa Curtis (Founder & CEO of BeFearless) – The relationship between social media and mental health in young people


Episode 19 - Paul McCarthy (Author of The FIRED Leader) – Are you in a dysfunctional leadership team….and what to do about it (Episode 2 of 2)