Season 2 Episode 6 - Ade McCormack – Leadership is NOT about heroics,… it’s about fostering an ecosystem
Ade is a former technologist who now, forty years on, is focused on leadership.
Is a former Financial Times columnist.
Has lectured at MIT Sloan on leadership matters.
Works with Cambridge University (Moller Institute) on leadership development.
Trained in astrophysics and has worked for the European Space Agency.
Has worked in over forty countries across the world across multiple sectors with many of the world’s most prominent brands.
Has written six books on leadership and transformation.
Ade has recently set up an embryonic thinktank, The Intelligent leadership Hub. The ILH aims to empower society to flourish in an increasingly unpredictable world by reshaping perceptions of leadership. The goal is to promote an intelligent approach that highlights our humanity and embraces the natural complexity of our environment.
In this revealing insights episode, Ade explains the concept of “everyone is a captain”, ubiquitous leadership and distributed leadership, together with covering the idea of environmental biology.
We discuss the pros & cons of remote working, which includes the potential mental health cost the risk of losing the ‘mentor’ training/leadership due to more remote working.
Ade also explains some of his brilliant expression including; “The death of deference”, “Cognitive Gymnasium” and “Passing on the survival code”
We uncover Ade’s advice for the processes to ensure that a company’s short-term actions are aligned with its long-term goals.
For more information on Ade or to make contact -